Spring Game Jam 2023

I wanted to make a physics based 3D puzzle game (in the spirit of something like Lemmings), but using simple geometric shapes, and where you can blow stuff up.

Unfortunately I didn't have enough time to spend on level design, so I only completed the first two levels, which were meant to tutorial levels. I didn't have time to provide any tutorial information or instructions though... lol. But the controls are pretty straight forward:

- Pressing the spacebar (or mouse button) switches the current "target" block

- Holding the spacebar (or mouse button)... well.. you'll figure it out :-)

Disclaimer: this isn't much of "game" yet, but it was cool to experiment with some game dev stuff I've never tried before. This is also the first time I've submitted an entry for a game jam - and it's pretty hard. :-) Enjoy!

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